Flea Market

Want to sell your old games and get cash? Looking for a deal on something new-to-you? Check out the Flea Market!

How it works

MañanaCon 2022 has up to 10 first-come, first serve spots for attendees to display their games at the con. Each spot will be half of a table, or approximately 48″ by 18″ of space to display their games. You can fit a lot of games in that space!

Sellers will post prices for their games (either print out a sheet and keep it with the games, or put some post-its on your games). When somebody wants to buy the game, they can find the seller at the con, give them their cash, and take the game. Easy!

We ask that, assuming you sell something, you throw us a small tip as a thank you for providing the space to sell your games.


These are used games sold by the attendee, not MañanaCon. We can’t vouch for condition, completeness, or anything else. But if you ask the seller, they should be able to give you some info.

All games are under the responsibility of the seller. We won’t have somebody stationed to watch the games or take payment. We suggest playing your games near the games you’re selling so you can keep an eye out for potential customers. This is a small con, and they’ll be inside the game room, so it will be in a high-traffic area and only con attendees will have access. We’ll also be locking up the room when we leave every night.